Brush up on BUCS with these tips & tricks
4 min read BUCS, Tips & Tricks, Newsletter 119

Brush up on BUCS with these tips & tricks

Get the most out of your BUCS system with these helpful tips & tricks from your favorite support technicians.
Brush up on BUCS with these tips & tricks

Your favorite Support Technicians are back with more Tips & Tricks helping you become a BUCS pro!

By Adam Best

Fund Accounts Analysis: The Fund Accounts Analysis graph now includes 15 funds.  Previously, the graph only showed 10 funds.  I made an example from our demo that shows the 15 funds and their respective balances.

Invoice Processing: When selectively loading invoices and an invoice is selected in the grid, the row color of the grid will now change to a light-yellow color. This new feature will make it easier to see all the standard invoices selected.

By Dean Eldridge

Bank Reconciliation:  In the BUCS Bank Reconciliation Module, a comment field is now available for all transactions.  These would include Check, ACH, Electronic Payments, Deposits, Cash Adjustments, Interest, and Bank Charges.  Previously, comments were only applicable for Voided and Unclaimed transactions.  To View or Add a comment on a transaction, right click on the transaction on the Bank Reconciliation screen and choose the Comment menu option.  Once a transaction has a comment, an image will be displayed before the Transaction Type field.  These Comments will also be included on the Bank Report. 

Fee Receipt History:  There is now an option for Fee Receipts to change the Payment Type.  This would allow the user to change the pay type if originally entered incorrectly.  To access this new option, highlight the fee receipt within Free Receipt History and click Detail.  On the bottom, right hand corner of the screen is a Change Payment Type button.  Once this button has been selected, a New Pay Type can be selected.  This option is disabled for fee receipts that have been reversed.

By Mike Emmerich

Registers:  When printing the Check, ACH or Electronic Payment Registers, there is now an option for a “One Line Per Transaction in Excel”.  When this option is selected, the register will consist of one line for each invoice with no

G/L Distributions on the report.  At the end of each line, there will be an additional field that will include the Check Total.  If there are multiple invoices on the check, each line will include the Check Total.   If there are any issues, such as Negative Check Amount, the error description will print at the end of the line.

If you’d like to use this option, you can set the default for this option in System Controls on the A/P tab.  It’s in the middle of the screen toward the bottom – Check Register Excel Option.  Click on “One Line Per Transaction in Excel”. 

Note:  This one option in System Controls affects the Check Register, ACH Register and Electronic Payment Register with this new feature.  So, when you turn it on, all three registers will be cleaner to look at and review, but the G/L Account Numbers won’t be on the report.

Projects:  There are now Total Fields at the bottom of the Outstanding Invoice, Encumbrances, Archived Encumbrances and Purchase Order tabs.  These totals are for all the transactions for the Project, not just the ones shown currently on the grid.  This will save you time from adding up all the transactions yourself to get a total.

By John Milleck

Notes:  In BUCS 24, the user can pin notes to the top of the screen. This applies to Vendors, A/R Customers, Fixed Assets, Fund Control, Chart of Accounts, Investments, Projects, Fee Receipt clients, and Leases. When adding or editing a note, the option to “Pin to Top” is available to select. When selected, it will list the note at the top of the screen and add a pin image to the main screen of the notes tab. When there are multiple notes pinned, the most recently pinned note will show at the top.

Chart of Accounts: In BUCS,  you can sequence and search by the account comment. Many users use the comment field as a sub description field to allow longer detailed descriptions. Some users like to use the account comment field to group accounts used for specific departments.

By Nelson Strietmann

Vendors: When adding a vendor, the system will now use additional tests to check for duplicate vendor names. All variations of the vendor’s name will be checked regardless of the case that was used on the name. For example, the system will now flag, “Frey Municipal Software*” and, “FREY MUNICIPAL SOFTWARE*” as duplicates.

System: The icons on the Task Pane have been updated. The fonts in the Favorites, Quick Links, and Status Bar area have also been changed to a larger easily read font for a more modern appearance.