Unlocking ROI: Taking Advantage of Training Your Staff in our Software

Why is training important?

There are countless articles and research showing that training is a valuable spend of time and money. The Return on investment (ROI) can provide a boost to your Municipality. However, as software has become easier to use, it sometimes becomes an afterthought. Employee training on software that is essential to your organization (like BUCS Accounting, CHIPS Payroll, or CUBIC Utility Billing) is well worth the investment and should be included in your budget.

The most cited reasons training is valuable are:

  • Cutting time in the learning process
  • Spending on training making employees feel valued
  • Seeing examples play out in front of you
  • Real-world situations from the instructor and trainees
  • Increasing productivity by applying learned principles
  • Networking with your instructor
  • Hands on guidance with new features

These benefits can apply to new clients, new employees, and even long-time employees that have been using the software for years.

Types of training offered and cost

We offer three types of training; online, at your office, and at our office. Each has a different cost, giving you the flexibility to select an option that fits within your budget.

Online training

Sometimes all you need is refresher course or you have some new employees coming in that need to be brought up to speed quickly. Online training can provide just that. Employees today are getting used to online based training and the tools to help facilitate training have improved as well. Screen sharing, recording, annotations, and break out rooms are just a few of the features that can help enhance the online training experience.

At your office or at our office

On-site (at your office) training is a great option if you think it is best to learn in the environment you work in while training at our office is great if being able to disconnect form the office helps your team learn.

Being in person can make the experience more memorable whether it is at your office or ours. It also gives you the opportunity to connect with your instructor more than if it were online.

Budgeting for training

Ensuring your organization budgets for training will help ensure long time employees remain at their best while also accounting for new employees that need to to get up to speed.

Fund Accounting, Payroll, and Utility Billing Software

Learn more about the suite of products FMS has to supercharge your office.

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